Heart of a Duke Series Guide

I am continuing my deep dive into Regency Romance on Kindle unlimited with Christi Caldwell’s Heart of a Duke Series. This is her first series and occurs prior to the Scandalous Seasons Series I have a whole other post about. Technically all of Christi’s books are connected by at least one character who crosses to another book and then on and on. But I did split my guides between those two series which seem to be a natural break. Below you will find the books in order with main characters and additional characters with the books they cross over to. If I miss any crossovers, don’t hesitate to let me know! I hope you find this guide helpful!

Heart of a Duke Prequel 1811

Lady Aldora Adamson and Michael Knightly

Additional Characters of Note
Katherine Adamson - Heart of a Duke Book 1
Anne Adamson - Heart of a Duke Book 2
Rowena Endicott - Heart of a Scandal Book 1
Lady Emilia Aberdeen - Heart of a Scandal Book 2
Meredith Durant - Heart of a Scandal Book 3
Constance Brandley - Heart of a Scandal Book 5
Connell Wordsworth The Duke of Renaud - Heart of a Scandal Book 5

Heart of a Duke Book 1
Winter 1814 - Spring 1815

Katherine Adamson and Jasper Duke of Bainbridge

Additional Characters of Note
Aldora and Michael Knightly - Heart of a Duke Prequal
Anne Adamson - Heart of a Duke Book 2
Harry the Earl of Stanhope - Heart of a Duke Book 2
Miles Brookfield Marquess of Guilford - Heart of a Duke Book 10

Heart of a Duke Book 2

Anne Adamson and Harry the Earl of Stanhope

Additional Characters of Note
Katherine and Jasper Duke of Bainbridge - Heart of a Duke Book 1
Lord Alex Edgerton - Heart of a Duke Book 3
Auric the Duke of Crawford - Heart of a Duke Book 4
Edmond Marquess of Rutland - Heart of a Duke Book 6
Aldora and Michael Knightly - Heart of a Duke Prequal

Heart of a Duke Book 3
Spring 1815

Lady Imogen Moore and Lord Alex Edgerton

Additional Characters of Note
Anne Countess of Stanhope - Heart of a Duke Book 2
Harry Earl of Stanhope - Heart of a Duke Book 2
Gabriel Marquess of Waverly - Heart of a Duke Book 5
Edmond Marquess of Rutland - Heart of a Duke Book 6
Lady Chloe Edgerton - The Brethren Book 2
The Earl of Primly - Maybe he will have a book?

Heart of a Duke Book 4
April 1816

Auric Duke of Crawford and Lady Daisy Meadows

Additional Characters of Note
Anne Countess of Stanhope - Heart of a Duke Book 2
Harry Earl of Stanhope - Heart of a Duke Book 2
Edmond Marquess of Rutland - Heart of a Duke Book 6
Marcus Gray Viscount Wessex - Heart of a Duke Book 8
Wynn Masterson Earl of Astor - Heart of a Duke Book 19
Lionel Meadows (Deceased) - Heart of a Duke Book 22

Heart of a Duke Book 5
Spring 1817

Gabriel Edgerton Marquess of Waverly and Miss Jane Munroe

Additional Characters of Note
Alex Edgerton - Heart of a Duke Book 3
Imogene Edgerton - Heart of a Duke Book 3
Daisy Duchess of Crawford Heart of a Duke Book 4
Auric Duke of Crawford - Heart of a Duke Book 4
Lady Chloe Edgerton - The Brethren Book 2
Henry March Earl of Waterson - Wicked Wallflowers Book 5
The Earl of Primly - honorable mention needs a book

Heart of a Duke Book 6
Spring 1817

Edmond Marquess of Rutland and Lady Phoebe Barrett

Additional Characters of Note
Harry Earl of Stanhope - Heart of a Duke Book 2
Jane Marchioness of Waverly - Heart of a Duke Book 5
Gabriel Marquess of Waverly - Heart of a Duke Book 5
Lady Victoria Barrett Viscountess of Waters - Brethren Book 1
Miss Gillian Farendale - Heart of a Duke Book 16
Lord Andrew Barrett - Heart of a Duke Book 17
Miss Honoria Fairfax - Heart of a Duke Book 21

Heart of a Duke Book 7
December 1817

William Hargrove Marquess Grafton and Lady Cara (Clarisse) Falcot

There were not any cameos in this book although Lady Jane Marchioness of Waverly from book 5 is Cara’s Half Sister and Cedric Falcot Marquess of St Albans from Book 9 is her older brother.

Heart of a Duke Book 8
Spring 1818

Marcus Gray Viscount Wessex and Mrs. Eleanor Collins

Additional Characters of Note
Auric Duke of Crawford - Heart of a Duke Book 4
Daisy Duchess of Crawford Heart of a Duke Book 4
Edmond Marquess of Rutland - Heart of a Duke Book 6
The Earl of Primly - honorable mention still waiting for a book

Heart of a Duke Book 9
Spring 1818

Lady Genevieve Farendale and Cedric Falcot the Marquess of St. Albans

Additional Characters of Note
William Hargrove Marquess Grafton - Heart of a Duke Book 7
Cara Hargrove Marchioness of Grafton - Heart of a Duke Book 7
Daniel Winterbourne Earl Of Montfort - Heart of a Duke Book 11
Francesca Cornworthy - The Brethren Book 5
Gillian Farendale - Heart of a Duke Book 16
Miss Honoria Fairfax - Heart of a Duke Book 21

Heart of a Duke Book 10
Spring 1818

Miles Brookfield Marquess of Guilford and Lady Philippa Winston (Edgerton)

Additional Characters of Note
Jasper Duke of Bainbridge - Heart of a Duke Book 1
Gabriel Marquess of Waverly - Heart of a Duke Book 5
Jane Marchioness of Waverly - Heart of a Duke Book 5
Daniel Winterbourne Earl Of Montfort - Heart of a Duke Book 11
Sybil Cunning - Heart of a Duke Book 12
Lady Chloe Edgerton - The Brethren Book 2
Lettice Brookfield - Heart of a Duke Book 18
Faith Brookfield - Heart of a Duke Book 20

Heart of a Duke Book 11
April 1819

Daniel Winterbourne Earl of Montfort and Daphne Smith

Additional Characters of Note
Genevieve Marchioness St Albans - Heart of a Duke Book 9
Cedric Marquess of St. Albans - Heart of a Duke Book 9
Miles Marquess of Guilford - Heart of a Duke Book 10
Phillipa Marchioness of Guilford - Heart of a Duke Book 10
Nolan Pratt Baron Webb - Heart of a Duke Book 12
Leo Marquess of Tennyson - Brethren Book 1
Alice Winterbourne - Heart of a Duke Book 15

Heart of a Duke Book 12
Winter 1819

Sybil Cunning and Nolan Pratt Baron Webb

Additional Characters of Note
Josephine Pratt - Brethren Book 4

Heart of a Duke Book 13

Justina Barrett and Nick Tallings Duke of Huntly

Additional Characters of Note
Edmond Marquess of Rutland - Heart of a Duke Book 6
Phoebe Marchioness of Rutland - Heart of a Duke Book 6
Vail Basingstoke Baron Chilton - Heart of a Duke Book 14
Gillian Farendale - Heart of a Duke Book 16
Lady Victoria Barrett Viscountess of Waters - Brethren Book 1
Leo Marquess of Tennyson - Brethren Book 2
Andrew Barrett - Heart of a Duke Book 17
Miss Honoria Fairfax - Heart of a Duke Book 21

Heart of a Duke Book 14
Spring 1820

Vail Basingstoke Baron Chilton and Bridget Hamilton

Additional Characters of Note
Nick Tallings Duke of Huntly - Heart of a Duke Book 13
Justina Tallings Duchess of Huntly - Heart of a Duke Book 13

The Brethren Book 1

Lady Victoria Barrett Viscountess Waters and Nathaniel Archer Earl of Exeter

Additional Characters of Note
Edmond Marquess of Rutland - Heart of a Duke Book 6
Phoebe Marchioness of Rutland - Heart of a Duke Book 6
Nick Duke of Huntly - Heart of a Duke Book 13
Justina Duchess of Huntly - Heart of a Duke Book 13
Leo Marquess of Tennyson - Brethren Book 2
Lord Sheldon Graham Whitworth (mentioned) - Brethren Book 3
Martha Donaldson - Brethren Book 3
Andrew Barrett - Heart of a Duke Book 17

Heart of a Scandal Book 1

Graham Linford Duke of Hampstead and Mrs. Rowena Endicott Bryant

Additional Characters of Note
Jane Edgerton Marchioness of Waverly - Heart of a Duke Book 5
Elizabeth Terry - Heart of a Scandal Book 4

Heart of a Duke Book 15
Winter 1820

Alice Winterbourne and Lord Rhys Brookfield

Additional Characters of Note
Miles Marquess of Guilford - Heart of a Duke Book 10
Phillipa Marchioness of Guilford - Heart of a Duke Book 10
Daniel Winterbourne Earl of Montfort - Heart of a Duke Book 11
Daphne Countess of Montfort - Heart of a Duke Book 11
Nolan Pratt Baron Webb - Heart of a Duke Book 12
Sybil Cunning Pratt - Heart of a Duke Book 12
Lettice Brookfield - Heart of a Duke Book 18
Anthony Duke of Granville - Heart of a Duke Book 18
Caroline Brookfield - Heart of a Duke Book 19
Faith Brookfield - Heart of a Duke Book 20

Brethren Book 2
Spring 1821

Leo Marquess of Tennyson and Chloe Edgerton

Additional Characters of Note
Alex Edgerton - Heart of a Duke Book 3
Imogene Edgerton - Heart of a Duke Book 3
Gabriel Marquess of Waverly - Heart of a Duke Book 5
Jane Marchioness of Waverly - Heart of a Duke Book 5
Miles Marquess of Guilford - Heart of a Duke Book 10
Phillipa Marchioness of Guilford - Heart of a Duke Book 10
Daniel Earl of Montfort - Heart of a Duke Book 11
Daphne Countess of Montfort - Heart of a Duke Book 11
Lathan Holeman - Brethren Book 5
Henry March Earl of Waterson - Wicked Wallflowers Book 5
Faith Brookfield - Heart of a Duke Book 20

Heart of a Scandal Book 4 (out of order by timeline)

Elizabeth Terry and Crispin Ferguson

Additional Characters of Note
Rowena Duchess of Hempstead - Heart of a Scandal Book 1
Graham Duke of Hempstead - Heart of a Scandal Book 1

Brethren Book 3
Winter 1821

Lord Sheldon Graham Whitworth and Martha Donaldson

Additional Characters of Note
Heath Whitworth Marquess of Mulgrave - Heart of a Scandal Book 2
Nathaniel Archer Earl of Exeter - Brethren Book 1

Heart of a Scandal Book 2

Winter 1821

Heath Whitworth Marquess of Mulgrave and Lady Emilia Aberdeen

Additional Characters of Note
Barry Aberdeen Marquess of Tenwhestle - Heart of a Scandal Book 3
Connell Wordsworth The Duke of Renaud - Heart of a Scandal Book 5
Francesca Cornworthy - Brethren Book 5

Heart of a Scandal Book 3

Spring 1822

Barry Aberdeen Marquess of Tenwhestle and Meredith Durant

Additional Characters of Notes
Lady Emilia Whitworth Marchioness of Mulgrave - Heart of a Scandal Book 2
Heath Whitworth Marques of Mulgrave - Heart of a Scandal Book 2

Brethren Book 4
Spring 1822

Josephine Pratt and Duncan Everleigh

Additional Characters of Note
Nolan Pratt Baron Webb - Heart of a Duke Book 12
Sybil Pratt Baroness Webb - Heart of a Duke Book 12
Leo Marquess of Tennyson - Brethren Book 2

Brethren Book 5
Winter 1822

Francesca Cornworthy and Lathan Holeman

Additional Characters of Note
Leo Marquess of Tennyson - Brethren Book 2

Heart of a Scandal Book 5
Summer 1822 - 1823

Collin Wordsworth Duke of Renaud and Lady Constance Brandley

Additional Characters of Note
Aldora Knightly - Heart of a Duke Prequal
Rowena Duchess of Hempstead - Heart of a Scandal Book 1
Lady Emilia Whitworth Marchioness of Mulgrave - Heart of a Scandal Book 2
Heath Whitworth Marques of Mulgrave - Heart of a Scandal Book 2
Meredith Aberdeen Marchioness of Tenwhestle - Heart of a Scandal Book 3

Heart of a Duke Book 16

Lady Gillian Farendale and Colin Lockhart

Additional Characters of Note
Genevieve Falcot Marchioness of St. Albans - Heart of a Duke Book 9
Cedric Falcot Marquess of St Albans - Heart of a Duke Book 9
Vail Basingstoke Baron Chilton - Heart of a Duke Book 14
Conner (O’Roarke) Steele - Wicked Wallflowers Book 2
Honoria Fairfax - Heart of a Duke Book 21

Heart of a Duke Book 16
Spring 1829

Marcia Gray and Andrew Barrett Viscount Waters

Additional Characters of Note
Duke and Duchess of Bainbridge - Heart of a Duke Book 1
Earl and Countess of Stanhope - Heart of a Duke Book 2
Duke and Duchess of Crawford - Heart of a Duke Book 4
Marquess and Marchioness of Rutland - Heart of a Duke Book 6
Viscount and Viscountess Wessex - Heart of a Duke Book 8
Duke and Duchess of Huntly - Heart of a Duke Book 13
Earl and Countess of Exeter - Brethren Book 1
Faith Brookfield - Heart of a Duke Book 20
Phineas Leasar Marquess of Landon - Scandalous Seasons Book 8 (Sept 2023)
Anwen Kearsley - Scandalous Seasons Book 8 (Sept 2023)

Heart of a Duke Book 18
Spring 1829

Lady Lettice Brookfield and Anthony Duke of Granville

Additional Characters of Note
Miles Marquess of Guilford - Heart of a Duke Book 10
Phillipa Marchioness of Guilford - Heart of a Duke Book 10
Daniel Earl of Montfort - Heart of a Duke Book 11
Daphne Countess of Montfort - Heart of a Duke Book 11
Rhys Brookfield - Heart of a Duke Book 15
Caroline Brookfield - Heart of a Duke Book 19
Wynn Masterson Marquess of Exmoor - Heart of a Duke Book 19
Faith Brookfield - Heart of a Duke Book 20

Heart of a Duke Book 19
Spring 1829

Wynn Masterson Marquess of Exmoor (formerly Earl of Astor in Book 4)

Additional Characters of Note
Miles Marquess of Guilford - Heart of a Duke Book 10
Phillipa Marchioness of Guilford - Heart of a Duke Book 10
Rhys Brookfield - Heart of a Duke Book 15
Leo Marquess of Tennyson - Brethren Book 2
Chloe Marchioness of Tennyson - Brethren Book 2
Marcia Viscountess Waters - Heart of a Duke Book 16
Lettice Brookfield - Heart of a Duke Book 18
Faith Brookfield - Heart of a Duke Book 20
Beatrice Dennington - Scandalous Seasons Book 7

Heart of a Duke Book 20

Lady Faith Brookfield and Rex DuMond Marquess of Rutherford

Additional Characters of Note
Miles Marquess of Guilford - Heart of a Duke Book 10
Phillipa Marchioness of Guilford - Heart of a Duke Book 10
Rhys Brookfield - Heart of a Duke Book 15
Andrew Viscount Waters - Heart of a Duke Book 17
Marcia Viscountess Waters - Heart of a Duke Book 16
Leo Marquess of Tennyson - Brethren Book 2
Lettice Brookfield - Heart of a Duke Book 18
Anwen Kearlsey - Scandalous Seasons Book 8

Heart of a Duke Book 21
Winter 1829

Honoria Fairfax and Tormund Stone the Earl of Rockford

Additional Characters of Note
Phoebe Marchioness of Rutland - Heart of a Duke Book 6
Edmond Marquess of Rutland - Heart of a Duke Book 6
Leo Marquess of Tennyson - Brethren Book 2
Gillian Lockhart - Heart of a Duke Book 16

Heart of a Duke Book 22

Lord Lionel Meadows and Evie Caldecott

Additional Characters discussed but since this is a ghost story there wasn’t really a feature. Interesting variation though from her other books.


I Like Big Dukes and I Cannot Lie….


Heart of a Duke Book Order