Kindle Unlimited Regency Romance

Here are a few more book series I’ve read through kindle unlimited as I continue to explore more authors available with a kindle unlimited subscription. I’m consuming books at alarming rate lately and getting the most out of my subscription. I may have an addiction. Check out Kindle unlimited here. No kindle required!

Secrets In Silk Series - Michelle Willingham

I really liked this series. First of all, it was really romantic but not in a cheesy way. It’s set between the highlands and London so you have great accents, beautiful scenery and a really interesting family dynamic. These had the audible books included on Kindle Unlimited as well and I really love being able to switch between audio and reading or listening and reading simultaneously. I would read more by Michelle Willingham but this series was the only books of hers available on Kindle Unlimited at the time. There is another series she is currently writing that is slowly coming out on kindle unlimited as well as some other books not on KU I might read later when I exhaust my current reading list. I like to binge a book series like my shows. Wait until it’s all out and then read it.

Unlike some of the other books I’ve read in this genre, Michelle tells the story from more character perspectives than just the two leads. So you sometimes get a chapter from the villain or a supporting character’s perspective or from the perspectives of characters who will have future books. You may see the same scene from a previous book but told from a different perspective. This really added a lot of layers and interest to the stories and helped the character development. I also like the limited musings. You will see me refer to this a lot in my reviews because long inner musings are an extremely popular style among romance novelists. But sometimes it can get out of control. For example, one character makes a statement and then there is a full page of inner musings of the other character before the response. For me, too many musings makes it hard for me to follow the conversation. I like books that move more quickly through conversations and really banter. This author has a great balance of banter and still getting to know the characters thoughts and feelings without repeating there life story in every conversation. I highly recommend this series!

Viking Voyagers - Michelle Willingham

This book is not available on Kindle Unlimited, however, I used no rush shipping credits to get it. I discovered Michelle through the secrets in silk series I spoke about above which is on kindle unlimited. I liked her style in that series and knew I wanted to explore more once I saved enough credits. This 2 book series was a really cool time travel romance between a Viking and a viscountess. The second book is also well connected to the first but is spoilers if I speak too much about it. I found the concept really unique since most time travel romances are set in Modern day or with a modern day traveler. This really flexed my history and culture skills as well as being entertaining and romantic. I will continue to seek out Michelle’s books as I earn more credits this holiday season. It’s too bad she doesn’t have more on Kindle Unlimited.

The Regency Romp Trilogy - Maggie Fenton

This was a totally different style from anything i’ve read in the romance genre. There was romance, but I found it to be more comedy leaning with the characters getting themselves in the most ridiculous situations. These had a little more darkness than some other books i’ve read in this genre. The characters emotional struggles were much deeper in the second two books than the first. The first book is just a wild ride. I have no other words to describe it. If you are looking for a lot of laughter with your romance and you like characters who thrive on hairbrained scheming, this series is for you.

The McQuoids of Mayfair - Christi Caldwell

I have 2 other posts dedicated to Christi Caldwell’s books here. I am a big fan of the easy reading and almost all of Christi’s books are available on kindle unlimited. But this series doesn’t seem interconnected to her others and is slightly different in style. If you don’t like heavy sex scenes in your romance novels, these are much less descriptive. They are still just as romantic with a little more comedy. The Duke Alone is the first book in the series and is like regency era home alone. I laughed out loud a lot reading that one. The Heiress at Sea had a more danger but just as much laughter and even more romance than the first book. I’m interested to see how this series develops. These two books also have the audible companions available and are great to go back and forth between reading and listening or my personal favorite, reading and listening at the same time.

The Duke of Debauchery - Scarlett Scott

This was the first book I read by Scarlett Scott. I picked up this book on stuff your kindle day. It’s part of a series but I don’t know that I will read the rest of them. This was really raunchy to me and not enough character development in between for my personal taste.

A Duke At Midnight - Stacy Reid

This was part of a two book series the Wallflower’s Guide to Becoming a Bride. I think there might be another series connected to these but I only read these two. The plot was great but like many i’ve referenced before, I was left a little wanting.


Heart of a Duke Book Order


Christi Caldwell Scandalous Series Guide